Transition Whatcom

Post our best resources (books & links).   

(Let us know if the library carries a book)




Paul Stamets on TED talk: 6 ways mushrooms can save the world


Bioremediation - Terry Hazen, Ph.D Microbial Ecology. Lecture posted by Berkley Lab Ytube 2008





Fungi Perfecti   (company founded by Paul Stamets)

PO Box 7634 * Olympia, WA 98507 * USA
Phone: (800) 780 9126 / (360) 426 9292
Fax: (360) 426 9377




Mycoremediation:  Fungal Bioremediation  - Harbhajan Singh  


Fungi in Bioremediation - edited  Geoff M. Gadd


Fungi in Forest Ecosystems - Cathy L. Cripps


Basic book:   Mycelium Running- How Mushrooms Can Help Save the World - Paul Stamets




Growing Gourmet & Medicinal Mushrooms  - Paul Stamets

The Mushroom Cultivator  - Paul Stamets & J.S. Chilton


MUSHROOM & BOOK SOURCES  through Paul Stamets company:

800 780-9126


(Original Discussion title:

"Resources: Mycoremediation & Fungal Bioremediation (Ecological Restoration) .



Field Demonstrations of Mycoremediation for Removal of Fecal Coliform Bacteria and Nutrients in the Dungeness Watershed, Washington (thanks to Sabrina )

Degrading Pesticide DDT in soils with Oyster Mushroom substrates: (thanks to Alex W)




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J.C. & I are hoping to find some websites or contact persons who are familiar with the herbicide - Aminopyralid- (a chemical name that goes by more than one Brand name), which will provide some information on how our local farmers & gardeners begin the process of restoring their soils that have been poisoned by herbicide tainted commercial composts,soils, organic matter.

Please help out and share information as you can in either comment section or starting a new discussion.
Terry Hazen on Bioremediation
"Geomicrobial activities play a role in (1) mineral formation, (2) mineral degradation, (3) the cycling of organic and inorganic matter, (4) chemical and isotopic fractionation and (5) fossil-fuel genesis and degradation. Microbial mineral degradation includes phenomena such as weathering, bioleaching, and soil and sediment formation and transformation (diagenesis). Microbes contribute, to varying extents, to the genesis and degradation of fossil fuels, including methane, peat, coal and petroleum. Some geomicrobial activities can be commercially exploited in processes such as metal extraction from ores, biogas genesis, commercial tertiary petroleum recovery and environmental bioremediation." (Thanks J.C.!)
Endquote from intro of excerpt of book posted by JC : Fungi in Biogeochemical Cycles- Edited by Geoffrey Michael Gadd (British resource)

J. C. Walker,Jr. said:
Here is part of a report where New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (Division of Solid & Hazardous Materials) in 2007 “could not ensure that the labeled use of aminopyralid would not negatively impact groundwater resources” in a report/letter sent to Dow AgroSciences, LLC 's State Regulatory Manager, in regards to the “Withdrawal of Milestone Herbicide Application”.

Anyone that has more reports on other states or countries who have made the decision to Not allow this aminopyralid hormone based product to be applied to their soils, please post us a link, and especially post links on ecologically sensitive & safe methods to remove the chemical through bioremediation efforts.

(Thanks JC for finding this source – I've left in just a few of the techi items for our ecology soil scientists)

quote: “Milestone Herbicide contains 40.6% of the active ingredient aminopyralid, which acts as a systemic post-emergence herbicide. Aminopyralid belongs to the pyridine carboxylic acid class of herbicides including picloram and clopyralid. Aminopyralid’s mode of action toward target weeds is not completely understood. However, the principle action of this group of compounds appears to effect cell wall plasticity and nucleic acid metabolism. Like clopyralid containing products, the Milestone Herbicide label warns the user of impacts to susceptible broadleaf plants from use of aminopyralid treated compost or contact with manure or urine from animals that have grazed on treated areas. …...

“.... Major transformation products include oxamic acid, malonamic acid, and four or more unidentified acid amides

“...difficult to achieve a clear understanding of the actual environmental behavior of aminopyralid when used as labeled. …

“....While the response submitted by Dow AgroSciences, LLC, was informative, the Department could not ignore the inadequacy of the original aerobic metabolism study. Therefore the Department could not ensure that the labeled use of aminopyralid would not negatively impact groundwater resources in sensitive areas of New York State. …
“...Summary: The Department accepts Dow AgroSciences decision to withdraw their application of Milestone Herbicide (EPA Reg. No. 62719-519) which contains the new active ingredient aminopyralid.
The Department will also close registration review on two new product applications, also containing aminopyralid, that were on hold pending registration of Milestone Herbicide:
Milestone VM (EPA Reg. No. 62719-537) ForeFront R & P (EPA Reg. No. 62719-524)

“...., the Department does not consider products which have the potential to impact groundwater resources as “Reduced Risk” without acceptable environmental fate data …

“…..Please be aware that any unregistered product may not be sold, offered for sale, distributed, or used in New York State......Maureen P. Serafini Director Bureau of Pesticides Management “
end quote from
Yesterday I began the cultivation of several local varieties of fungi to be used at a later date for remediation. I expect surprises in this endeavor, but learning from success and failures provides one with much to be humble about. Today I'm getting the final bags going for the sediment runoff project hoping to place them later next month. J.C.
Web links related to Compost & Toxic Contamination Issues
(though not necessarily useful to a good farmer or gardener.)

RE: Use of Compost on Organic Farms – WA Depart Ag online letter Aug 30,2010

The Allowence of Green Waste in the Organic Production Systems NOP 5016 (4/19/10)

The above links also cross posted at Eco-Restoration Resource Discussion on Earth Gardens group:

(JC- I could add these links to the text of this discussion later for future reference)
thanks so much, Heather, for posting these links and titles.
wow! last week, JC and i were discussing how we might be able to find a copy of the final report on Stamets/Batelle's demonstration project.


thank you, Sabrina.
Hi Folks! We are setting up the soil remediation (Aminopyralid) study at the CLSR (Center for Local Self Reilance) tomorrow in Fairhaven. I will be there about 9 am working on setting up the plots. I believe that JC will have some material to offer- That will be most appreciated. Also we will demonstrate and compare the application of some other products and cover crops to see what kind of impact those will make. Feel free to join us!
No word back yet from WSDA on the ppb concentration in the samples that they tool for us 4 weeks ago. Bioassays potted up at Cascade Cuts to compare the chemistry reports to the physical damage that we will observe in the tomatoes. Please feel free to contact me if you wish to help! Alison
The Bellingham Library has a video called, Lets Grow Mushrooms, that might be helpful. I found their techniques to be more on the level of the average person.


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