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I would like comfrey that is in great shape. I want to dry the leaf and stem for later consumption. If you have some that you don't need I would like to harvest it myself. I don't want the root and would not be digging it up.  Flowering comfrey is great too. Please don't cut it for me. Call 733-3541 Angela

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Replies to This Discussion

Angela, we have loads of comfrey, but you knew that. You are welcome to come and get some starts for your new place is you would like.
Thanks Brian, Yes I know there is a lot of comfrey at I.F. but I was under the impression that you would be using a lot of it for tree guilds and other soil enhancement there. We have a plump cluster of comfrey here but it is not nearly enough for what I'm wanting.

Brian Kerkvliet said:
Angela, we have loads of comfrey, but you knew that. You are welcome to come and get some starts for your new place is you would like.
Hi A,
I have some comfrey you may come and harvest. I have three or so plants that I can share some with you. :)
Nice to hang out together yesterday.
You left your sweater here. :)~ Jamie
angela, I have alot that is ready for harvest if you would like iwill give you a call..
alain, yes please give a call, 733-3541
Thanks, angela

Forest Garden said:
angela, I have alot that is ready for harvest if you would like iwill give you a call..
Hi Alain, that last message was from me not David, we share a computer and I sometimes forget to log him out of TW and me in, when I make a reply. Give me a call when you can. Thanks, Angela

Forest Garden said:
angela, I have alot that is ready for harvest if you would like iwill give you a call..
Thanks Walter, I've been out of town the last several days so didn't call you. I'll call later today about harvesting
comfrey. Angela

Walter Haugen said:
I have lots. Give me a call 312-0335.
Hi Angela, Youre welcome to come harvest some comfrey out here too. You'll be able to create a comfrey garden-tour in your collecting. The ones here are now in flower/pollination, but I still make comfrey tea out of what is here and leave a few for the bees. There is always enough comfrey to share! Best to call or email.
Thanks Heather, At the moment I don't feel ready for more comfrey. I got a bunch that is hanging to dry.


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