Time: June 7, 2013 all day
Location: Intersection of i street and Aster
City/Town: Bellingham
Website or Map: http://BellinghamNakedBikeRid…
Phone: 509-679-4194
Event Type: bike, ride
Organized By: Zachary Robertson
Latest Activity: May 26, 2013
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Exposed excitement comes to city of subdued excitement during Bellingham's 5th annual naked bike ride on Friday, June 7th 2013.
This is a fun, family friendly event done in the spirit of creativity, playfulness, earth-care, and community deepening.
* 1:30 - 3:30 pm: Body painting and legal briefing.
* 4:00 pm: Ride embarks. Near the cross of i street and Aster in the Letter District.
* Goes by peace vigil, etc, and maybe Fairhaven
* 5:15 -10:00pm: Return and dance!
Check out BellinghamNakedBikeRide.com
For more info, or to volunteer, call Zac at 509-679-4194.
Its a "Bare as you Dare" event, so to say, so your smiling face is so welcome regardless what you are or aren't wearing! Thanks so much for asking!
Excited to see you!
Hi Zach, unless its 80 degrees outside, I will probably be covered with many layers...are covered bicyclers welcomed?
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