Transition Whatcom

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Upon revisiting Mycelium Running a couple of things popped out. 1) A resource for information is the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry.(ATSDR) at the Center for Disease Control. 2) The chart on page 102 listing hyper-accumulator mushrooms, with Gomphidius glutinosus having the ability concentrate 10000 times Radioactive Cesium.

At the onset of Fukashima I began to look at the possibility of cultivating this species only to discover its cultivating parameters lie outside the lab. One can not simply order the spawn and create the nuke free garden. It's also worth noting, where an Oyster mushroom/mycelium will break the hydrocarbon chain, when it comes to heavy metals, the conversation turns to accumulation. A shaggy main along the side of the road could be loaded with Arsenic and would NOT be something one should consume!

While the focus of this group has been about remediation, the culinary and medicinal aspects of mushrooms may need a little attention. The oyster mushroom is one of the most available edible in my neck of the woods. It received an X for Cadmium and 65-140 for mercury. I've been drinking a tea I make using Reishi, Turkey Tail, and sometimes I'll throw in a piece of Artist Conk.

As you develop strategies to confront our future, please be mindful of the different functions various mushrooms play in the ecosystem.


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