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Learn permaculture, food production, and energy efficiency for your home
and community.

Permaculture Design Course
February 27 - March 20, 2011
Wild Thyme Farm, Oakville, WA

Marisha Auerbach, Dave Boehnlein,and Kelda Miller
Special Guests include:
Michael "Skeeter" Pilarski, Jenny Pell, Rick Valley, Leonard Barrett ,
Mark Lakeman, John Henrikson, Kirk Hanson, and more...

Globally, we are experiencing unpredictable changes in climate, economy,
and resources. Through intentional design, we can anticipate what adaptive
skills will be necessary for a joyful and abundant future. In this
permaculture design course, students will be immersed in strategies to
build community resilience and respond to uncertainties of the future. Our
stellar teaching team will offer an over 144-hour permaculture curriculum
with a focus on hands-on skill-building in food production, plant
propagation, and energy systems. The Wild Thyme Farm, a premier
permaculture demonstration site, offers an immersion in examples of
beautiful and productive polyculture gardens, a 100 acre FSC certified
forest, and strategies for rural revitalization. Through presentations,
slides, games, lectures, field trips, and hands-on opportunities, this
permaculture course will offer diverse learning styles to emphasize ways
that students can design their lives and engage their communities in
strategies for a sustainable future.

Course Topics Include:
Permaculture Ethics & Principles
Observation & Site Analysis
Energy Conservation
Natural Cycles & Pattern Recognition
Mapping & Design Exercises
Animal Husbandry
Forests, Agroforestry, & Tree Crops
Soil Building & Ecology
Cooperative Economics
Plants, Propagation & Planting Strategies
Eco-Building & Appropriate Technology
Water Harvesting, Management, & Conservation
Urban Permaculture & Village Design

Cost: $1950 including accommodations and prepared organic meals.
For more information, check out:
To register, contact Marisha Auerbach
(360)273-7117 mailto:queenbee@herbnwisdom.com

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"It is said that "abundance doesn't come from how much you have. Abundance comes from how many times each element is connected to the other elements." Through connection, we build abundance.

The core of permaculture is to build meaningful connection. "

More info on this winter course at :



A short little article about this course just came out this morning!

What other workshops will Kelda's permi-team be offering at Wild Thyme Farm this year?

I know I know. So sorry to post it late here but the COURSE IS CANCELLED.  Our enrollment was too low to make it a quality course, so we opted to offer other kinds of classes.

Some thoughts:

'Intro to Permaculture' Weekend Workshop

'Food Forest' Weekend Workshop


We would sincerely *love* to hear more ideas!!

Kelda Miller said:

I know I know. So sorry to post it late here but the COURSE IS CANCELLED.  Our enrollment was too low to make it a quality course, so we opted to offer other kinds of classes.

Some thoughts:

'Intro to Permaculture' Weekend Workshop

'Food Forest' Weekend Workshop


We would sincerely *love* to hear more ideas!!

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