Transition Whatcom

The PatternDynamics One Day Workshop: Join us in Bellingham for a brief intro on Jan. 18th at Center for S.A.C.R.ED Change and for the full One Day Workshop on Jan. 26, 2014 (register at Eventbrite:

Rather than being simply a linear, left brain information gathering day, participants are invited to be active participants in an experience- based learning organization. Tim Winton teaches PatternDynamics through simple breath and movement patterns alternating with brief definitions, compelling examples, and group discussion. A sense is gained of being part of a living organism, consciously experiencing our roles as both "part" and "whole," as well as the process of signaling and responding as parts and wholes. Collective intelligence emerges.

[Music credit: "Innuendo" by Monkey Puzzle Orchestra, featuring David MacLeod on cornet, from the cd "Ephemera"]

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