Transition Whatcom

November Activities You May Have Missed

Transition Whatcom sponsors many wonderful events every month. They include co-sponsored author events at Village Books, our monthly movie night, gatherings and talks. In addition our members create and participate in many, many events.  With such a creative, diverse community, it is easy to miss out. The TWOG has decided to provide a recap each month of some of the many events that have brought us together and inspired us during the month.

Hopefully we will see you at some of the TW events in December!

                                                                                                                    - Warren, for the TWOG

November Movie Night- Always the 3rd Tuesday at 6:30PM at the Limelight

Our November Movie was The Power of Community- How Cuba Survived Peak Oil. We had an energetic discussion after the movie about the techniques shown that might apply to Whatcom County. Over 30 people attended!

Other Movies We Co-Sponsored or Posted

Shift Change a film about Democracy at Work and how it can help create resilient communities.

GreenFire! a film about the legendary conservationist Aldo Leopold and his environmental legacy.

Gardening and Food Workshops- offered by TW members

Basic Seed Saving, Root Cellaring, Safely Canning Meat and Fish, Worms and Worm Composting, Rendering Lard and Home-Preservation, Subsistence Gardening, Clearwater Sanctuary Permaculture Design Course

Educational Presentations- on Transition oriented topics offered locally

Climate Reality and Coal, Sustainable Change- conversation cafe with Sharif Abdulla, Paul Roberts Talk on a new perspective on technology, affluence and ideology when making critical decisions, Living the New Economy, Gateway Pacific Terminal Hearing

Views: 30


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Comment by Heather K on December 23, 2012 at 2:23pm

Two upcoming events:  Community Seed Swap-Jan 27

and Democracy Cafe- Dec 29

Would the current admin for TW's system approve these by Sunday night? 

I'll need a functional link from them to send out invites ASAP.


Great to read of the diverse events that bring transition neighbors together.

A Farm for the Future” possibly is a film to consider TW sponsoring & bringing to Whatcom.

Here is a link with 50” of film: ( I've not reviewed it yet.)  Its listed as one of the top ten films voted on by the larger Transition Network.

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