Transition Whatcom

Kelly Hamilton
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  • Jason Styles

Kelly Hamilton's Page

Profile Information

How are you currently involved in the Transition?
Heart and Soul group, anything else I can get into!
In what ways do you identify with the Transition movement? Why are you interested?
I am interested in becoming self-sustainable and able to stop relying on the "mighty dollar" for assistance whenever I need something.
Do you have particular interests, skills, talents or resources you would like to bring to Transition Whatcom?
I am a writer, a poet, a massage therapist, an excellent listener, and someone who loves to help other people.
In what neighborhood or part of the county do you reside?
Where did you hear about Transition Whatcom and how did you find our community network website?
I first heard about TW after we saw the movie with Michael Rupert called "Collapse" at the Pickford Cinema.
Please note that you do not have to answer all of the above questions in order to join, and you can always come back later to edit your profile. If it's all too many questions for now, please provide a short answer below on why you'd like to join this site (or a summary of the above, if answered).
I want to become involved so I can become more self-reliable.

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At 7:30pm on October 14, 2010, Laura J Sellens said…
Greetings fellow Transitioner!

We are in the dawning stage of a new project within Transition Whatcom. We are creating a monthly Roving Whatcom County Workparty! This will be an opportunity for our members to: begin the Great Re-skilling, forge awareness of and relationships with existing local resilience-oriented organizations and TW initiatives and workgroups, build community, gain experience with the real work of Transition in voluntary baby steps, and have some fun.
We want this project to gain traction quickly and with enough momentum that we can make real progress in Whatcom County for years to come. We searched the member profiles with the keyword “massage” and found you listed as a licensed massage practitioner. Would you be interested in donating a couple of massage gift certificates to offer as prizes at the workparty? In addition to all the benefits listed above, we can think of no juicier, more joyful conclusion to a workparty than a free massage! We also have a Fourth Corner Exchange account; if it would encourage you to donate, we could make a partial payment in Life Dollars.
Deep thanks from the Transition Whatcom Operating Group (TWOG) for considering helping out. The first workparty is in collaboration with the Center for Local Self Reliance, at the Caretaker’s House in Fairhaven, and is set for Saturday, November 6th. We’re going to be installing fence posts (not digging the holes, that’s already done) and fencing panels! If you’re interested in attending the workparty, you can RSVP with me or on the event posting, which should be posted in a day or two.
Laura Sellens
At 4:21pm on April 25, 2010, Kate Clark said…
Hi Kelly:

We’re honored that you’ve joined our community networking website site at

We hope to keep you informed and involved as we work towards resilient and more self-reliant communities throughout Whatcom County; characterized by a local food supply, sustainable energy sources, a healthy local economy, and a growing sense of vitality and community well-being.

If you're not familiar with the Transition Initiatives model, a good place to start is to review the "Purpose, Principles, and Guidelines of Transition Initiatives", which can be downloaded from our website here:

Read more about Transition Whatcom and the people involved with the Transition Whatcom Initiating Group (TWIG) on introductory pages beginning here:

We will keep you updated with a regular email newsletter and occasional postings on our Transition Whatcom News & Info Forum.

We'd love to see you at our upcoming Transition Whatcom sponsored or co-sponsored events:

Brought to you by Transition Whatcom’s Initiating Group:
David MacLeod (,
Kate Clark (,
Cindi Landreth (,
David Marshak (,
Tom Anderson (,
Rick Dubrow (,
Chris Wolf (, and
Sandy Hoelterhoff (

Let me (or any of us) know if you have any questions or concerns.

Kate Clark

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