Transition Whatcom

Eric Robert Schmitz
  • Bellingham, WA
  • United States
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Eric Robert Schmitz's Friends

  • Sajah Popham
  • Future Man
  • Christie Cassel
  • Aron Standley
  • Mary Goit
  • David Zhang
  • Catherine Cook
  • Rhys Faler
  • Alborz Monjazeb
  • Travis Linds
  • Morgan
  • Gary Bachman
  • David Pike
  • Rob Van Arsdale
  • Heather K

Eric Robert Schmitz's Page

Profile Information

How are you currently involved in the Transition?
Roving Garden Work Parties, Permaculture Class, Fairhaven Agroecology Student
In what ways do you identify with the Transition movement? Why are you interested?
Building Sustainable Community through expressive arts and Permaculture ethics
Do you have particular interests, skills, talents or resources you would like to bring to Transition Whatcom?
Friendship, Singing, Love, Growing food, Bartering, Brewing, Building Cabins...
In what neighborhood or part of the county do you reside?
Van Zant
Your Personal Website (if you have one)
Where did you hear about Transition Whatcom and how did you find our community network website?
real person meeting
Please note that you do not have to answer all of the above questions in order to join, and you can always come back later to edit your profile. If it's all too many questions for now, please provide a short answer below on why you'd like to join this site (or a summary of the above, if answered).
Better informed about volunteer opportunites

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Comment Wall (6 comments)

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At 1:33pm on November 5, 2010, Sajah Popham said…
Hi Eric, thank you for the note. I would love to go do some mushroom wildcrafting. Being relatively new to the area (and being really busy) I haven't really had the chance to go looking for good patches. I tend to be open earlier on in the weeks, usually Monday-Wednesday is good for me, as I go to Seattle to do medicine work later on in the week/weekends. Let me know what works for you and maybe we can get something on the schedule!! Thanks brother, I hope this finds you well.
At 1:48pm on October 30, 2010, Heather K said…
Hi Eric, I hope you can attend the Sat Nov 6th garden fence building party at CLSR in Fairhaven and bring lots of helping friends! I'm not sure if Laura has all the music folks lined up, but if youre interested, would you contact her and see if there is an opportunity to share your music, your voice, your group?
At 5:36pm on October 29, 2010, Laura J Sellens said…
Hi Eric,
I was talking with Heather K and she said I should contact you about the TW Monthly Roving Workparty we're (re)starting up. The first one is Nov. 6th at/with the Center for Local Self-Reliance (see events page for the post) and promises to be a really good time. Heather said you have a great contact list of folks that would be interested in this type of thing--if so, would you mind passing the event information along to them? Thanks! See you next Tuesday at the NVC study group! Laura
At 12:13am on January 21, 2010, Heather K said…
Eric thanks for the wonderful music by Lovage at the Fertile Dreams Bloom event! Your harmonies were wonderful!
At 11:15pm on November 30, 2009, Kate Clark said…
Eric - you look a LOT Like my nephew Jacob you know him?
At 2:41pm on October 16, 2009, Heather K said…
Hi Eric, Friday at 2pm I'll be out at Inspiration Farm to help with set up with seed swap. If you can help with set up or take down let us know.
Glad you'll be there. Come find me and say Hi!

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