Transition Whatcom

During our last book club meeting, we discussed focusing on food initiatives. Consider attending Thursday's workshop from 7 - 9 PM. If more community garden-minded people participate, we may be able to establishing a positive working relationship with the city. 


The public is invited to help shape the update of the Park, Recreation and Open Space Plan (PRO Plan), a six-year plan that analyzes the supply and demand for park and recreation services and facilities within Bellingham city limits and the urban growth area.  The workshop is scheduled for 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Thursday, June 20 at the Bloedel Donovan Park Multi-Purpose Room, 2214 Electric Ave. It is an opportunity to provide
input on priorities for parks and recreation in the coming years.  In order to remain eligible for certain state grants, the City must update the PRO Plan every six years. It also becomes part of the City's Comprehensive Plan. The last PRO Plan update was completed in 2008. The Parks and Recreation Department is beginning the process now in order to have time for adequate public input, including review and public hearings by the Planning Commission and City Council in time for completion in 2014.  The workshop is the first of several opportunities for public input on the plan. In addition, there will be public opinion surveys and public hearings before the Planning Commission and City Council. The process is being overseen with input from the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board.
  Leslie Bryson, Design and Development Manager
  Parks and Recreation Department, 360-778-7000 or

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