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Transition Columbia


Transition Columbia

We are organizing a group people in the Columbia neighborhood who are interested in gardening, work parties, sharing resources and building community! Please feel free to join us and begin sharing gardening ideas, permaculture and community events!

Members: 28
Latest Activity: Jan 26, 2014

Discussion Forum

RE: getting together?

Started by Rev. Meredith Ann Murray. Last reply by Rev. Meredith Ann Murray Jan 26, 2014. 5 Replies

Hi!I got this message from Naomi but there was no way to reply to it and I did not see it here, so I am posting it as a…Continue

Columbia Neighborhood Room w/Private Bath for Rent

Started by Rev. Meredith Ann Murray Jan 24, 2014. 0 Replies

Furnished (or not), very private bedroom and full bathroom occupying entire second story of a 1215 s.f, home in Columbia.  Available immediately for one person only.  Shared kitchen, living room, and…Continue

Small Family Looking for "Home", in Columbia?

Started by Bryan Krueger Aug 26, 2013. 0 Replies

Hi Whatcome Transitioners!We are a family of four, with two little girls (2 yo and 1 mo) and are currently in Spokane. We are heading to resettle in the "better half" of the state ;) very soon and…Continue

Comment Wall


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Comment by Susan Kroll and Sergio Moreno on April 12, 2010 at 11:58am
Okay - now that we have the start of a menu for the potluck... where and when should it be? Didn't Jasmin Liepa offer her incredibly lovely garden for such an event? Her garden is truly amazing...
Comment by Rev. Meredith Ann Murray on April 12, 2010 at 12:32am
Sounds fun, Rebecca, even though I have never liked beer either! (Except Belgian Raspberry Beer!) :-) There were a bunch of folks from our 'hood at TGU today so hopefully they will all find this group and join soon so we can plan our first Potluck with a Purpose!! :-)
Comment by Ben Kunesh on April 11, 2010 at 11:20pm
Wow, that's quite a website. I'll keep looking locally, but if I can't find them it looks like they've got quite a wide selection. Thanks for the tip.
Comment by Ben Kunesh on April 11, 2010 at 9:57pm
Hey neighbors--
I'm starting to put some potatoes in, and I was wondering... last year my neighbor had some excess and he gave us some of what I think he called "Russian banana finger potatoes" or something like that.
They were probably the richest and most tender and flavorful potatoes I've ever eaten, as strange as that may sound, but I can't seem to find them this year, and I was wondering if anyone had seen them for sale anyplace around the neighborhood...
Any thoughts or information would be really cool.
Comment by Rev. Meredith Ann Murray on April 9, 2010 at 1:01pm
Mialee Jones (I think that's her last name) is interested and Penny Chambers, too. Yes, we welcome some gentlemen! :-) Hope to see most of you at TGU tomorrow and Sunday!
Comment by Jamie Jedinak on April 9, 2010 at 10:57am
Yeah Our hood coming together, how lovely...where are all the guys?
Comment by jasmin liepa on April 7, 2010 at 12:45pm
Hi...Heather just invited on East Maplewood...look forward to future potlucks....let's have one at my place some Sunday, sunny afternoon ....
Comment by Susan Kroll and Sergio Moreno on April 5, 2010 at 12:37pm
Columbia Neighborhood has been ahead of the curve in powering down and re-skilling. We are just quiet and solitary about it! It's a good idea to start this group. I hope we get a lot of active members. There is a lot of good energy and experience around this 'hood to share!
Comment by Jamie Jedinak on April 3, 2010 at 5:32pm
Yeah a TW group in my own hood! How lovely! I look forward to more members who would like to get involved. :)
Comment by Dawn G on April 3, 2010 at 11:34am
Thank you for getting this started!

Members (26)


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