Transition Whatcom

A place to post farm & company sources for organic & open-pollinated or heirloom seeds.

A place for seed-savers to post any special seeds that you're seeking a local gardener or grower to help continue preserving the biodiversity of your seed variety.

Also see our discussion "Books & Videos & Websites - Seed-Saving" - .

Earth Gardens Network - mor local sources and seed resources -

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Organic Seed Resource Guide
An online guide with seed production information focused for producers & researchers, posted on a ag extension site (?OR)....One of the authors, Micaela Colley, is known for her work with the Organic Seed Alliance group based out of Port Townsend, WA)



Organic Seed Alliancel- a regional non-profit working "through Research, Education and Advocacy to support the ethical development and stewardship of seed

"Organic Seed Alliance is founded on the belief that seed is both our common cultural heritage and a living natural resource fundamental to the future sustainability of food production.
"Please use our website to explore the issues around seed and join us in this vision.

and more details below, cut & pasted from Organic Seed Alliance page

Organic Seed Alliance supports the ethical development and stewardship of the genetic resources of agricultural seed. We accomplish our goals through collaborative education, advisory services, and research programs with organic farmers and other seed professionals."

"Seed is both our common cultural heritage and a living natural resource fundamental to the future sustainability of food production. Proper stewardship of our genetic resources necessitates not only its conservation, but careful management in a manner which allows seed to continually evolve with challenges of the environment, cultural practices of sustainable agriculture and the need to feed people. Through advocacy, collaborative education, advisory services, and research we work to restore and develop seed varieties for current needs while safeguarding invaluable genetic resources for future generations."

"The loss of heirloom and landrace crop varieties over the last century is well documented. Consolidation in the seed industry, changes in breeding methods and technology, restrictive intellectual property practices, and the loss of wild and farming land to development all contribute to the erosion of the plant genetic materials that are essential to sustaining life."

"In addition to this loss in genetics there has been a concurrent loss in the base of knowledge and skills necessary to properly steward and improve plant genetics in a ecologically and ethically sound manner. Farmers, once the primary seed stewards around the globe, have rapidly been removed from the seed circle - no longer participating in plant breeding or conservation. Only a few generations ago, the practices of on-farm seed saving and basic crop improvement were not only common, but necessary."

"While university and private sector involvement in seed systems has provided much gain, it has also created a field of specialization that has left the farmer as an "end-user" of a product instead of an active participant in building and maintaining plant genetic health and diversity. The diversity of our domesticated plant genetics - flavor, color, abundance, nutrition - is a direct result of the relationship between farmers and their crops. The unhealthy trends in seed systems put us at risk of losing our seed heritage - and the skills necessary to conserve, reinvigorate and improve this heritage for future generations."

Sources for Companies Selling Organic Seeds
from the website of the Organic Seed Alliance
( )
Go to their web page for links & updates on these seed companies
There are many more seed-savers and nurseries that are saving & exchanging organic & open-pollinated seeds to preserve our earth's botanic genitic diversity than what the list below represents.

"Abundant Life Seeds
American Organic
Blue River Organic Seeds
British Columbia Seed Database
DLF Organic
Fedco Seeds
Full Circle Seeds
Genesis Seeds
The Garlic Store
High Mowing Seeds
Irish Eyes Garden Seeds
Johnny's Selected Seeds
OMRI Organic Seed Database
Peaceful Valley Farm & Garden Supply
Salt Spring Seeds
Seeds Depot
Seeds of Change
Seed We Need
Stellar Seeds
Sow Organic Seed
Territorial Seed
Wood Prairie Farm
West Coast Seeds
Wild Garden Seeds "


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