Transition Whatcom

Sharing our wisdom & observations on earth-medicine plants & fungi.

Increasing the diversity of plant/fungi life within our local gardens, forests, meadows & homes.


We can post & share useful information/resources on medicinal growing/ harvesting & home-scale medicinal-making on this Earth Gardens discussion site.

(Which will help keep the info organized online).


Every life form has a gift to share with creation.

We can begin to learn the value & uses of what grows within our bio-region

 and help preserve what is there and increase the diversity.



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If you're intersted in being part of this network and receiving the emails from our comments,  be sure to click the “Follow” button...Simply done after signing on to TW and scrolling down on the discussion page until you see blue underlined “Follow”

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I'll be posting some new videos from the teachings of wildcrafter/permaculturist Micheal Pilarsky ,as time allows, and a book/website resource list and encourage all of us to share our knowledge & resources.


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“Live in the present. Do the things that need to be done.

 Do all the good you can each day. The future will unfold. “

     - Peace Pilgrim


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When there is a desire  for more earth-medicine time together,  we can co-create future

Past Event page:

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Local Clubs in area with Meetings & Hikes:


North Cascades Audubon Club:

Outings & Meets most months - 4th Tues


Washington Native Plant Society - Koma Kulshan chapter

Walkd & Meets most months 3rd Weds in evening.


Northwest Mushroom

Forays & monthly meetings in spring & fall - 2nd Thurs in pm


Mt. Baker Beekeeping Club

Meetings usually  2nd Wednesday  (except for July),  7 PM

at The Bellingham Moose Lodge,  1761 W. Bakerview Rd.


Newcombers Tip - MOST RECENT COMMENTS Appear on last page at bottom, Oldest comments appear first.

Views: 282

Replies to This Discussion

Does anyone have a gathering space that can hold 15-30 folks that could be an option for future sharing- learning Earth-Garden Medicine Circles during the colder months?
OK to let me know on my TW comment page at:
Having a garden & forest nearby to learn in is also a plus.
Summer months will allow outdoor times in the gardens & forests!
Hello friends. I want to share my recently success story with treating myself with medicinal herbs and mushrooms. A few weeks ago I developed a very painful kidney infection in both kidneys. This is a serious medical situation for anyone, and especially for me as a Type I diabetic. Through a combination of anti-bacterial mushrooms (Turkey Tail and Reishi) and kidney-strengthening herbs (dandilion, parsley root, ginger root, devil's claw) along with acupuncture, I completely cured my kidney infection in a few days. Without hospitals, antibiotics, or health insurance! I know my body is in such better shape than it would have been if I had let antibiotics reak havoc on my digestive flora. The best part is-- most of the herbs and mushrooms I wildcrafted from the woods around my house and from my garden. The others were readily available in capsules and tinctures. The resources that taught me what to do were: MycoMedicinals by Paul Stamets, a book on herbal medicine by Michael Tierra, and the help of Ed and Jean Layton (local acupuncture and naturopath husband-and-wife team). I hope you are encouraged by this news; I know that I am!
Wow Chris that is awesome! Glad to hear that you are feeling better and that you were able to achieve health through the power of your own healing body and with the help of Mama Earth's Ed and Jean are great! Thanks for sharing.
Class on making cremes is tonight, Monday night at food coop downtown.
It is possible that the info in this class could be applied to making your own medicinal cremes & salves, using diverse ingredients such as infused oils, butters, wax, infused tea, honey, etc). (Instructor- Elly Morrison, PhD). They still have openings and cost is $ to register.

Written resource” James Greens chapter 19 on “Lotions & Creams”
in his book “The Herbal Medicine-Maker's Handbook
(available at the library).

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Thanks Chris W for sharing your herbal healing success story! I encourage others to share theirs too.

Chris Wolf said:
Hello friends. I want to share my recently success story with treating myself with medicinal herbs and mushrooms. A few weeks ago I developed a very painful kidney infection in both kidneys. This is a serious medical situation for anyone, and especially for me as a Type I diabetic. Through a combination of anti-bacterial mushrooms (Turkey Tail and Reishi) and kidney-strengthening herbs (dandilion, parsley root, ginger root, devil's claw) along with acupuncture, I completely cured my kidney infection in a few days. Without hospitals, antibiotics, or health insurance! I know my body is in such better shape than it would have been if I had let antibiotics reak havoc on my digestive flora. The best part is-- most of the herbs and mushrooms I wildcrafted from the woods around my house and from my garden. The others were readily available in capsules and tinctures. The resources that taught me what to do were: MycoMedicinals by Paul Stamets, a book on herbal medicine by Michael Tierra, and the help of Ed and Jean Layton (local acupuncture and naturopath husband-and-wife team). I hope you are encouraged by this news; I know that I am!         Turkey Tail and Cancer


Attempting my first try at making Turkey Tail kombucha, stay tuned


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