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Dear Friends of the Backyard Beans & Grains Project,
I’m excited to announce that my instruction manual, Growing Dry Beans & Grains in the Pacific Northwest: a Step-by-Step Guide to Producing Your Own Staple Foods, is just about to roll off the press. The book is 26 pages long, in color, with full instruction for the 13 major legume, grain, and seed crops we have found to work well in our climate. The book is $20 (plus tax and shipping if applicable). Please let me know as soon as possible if you will want a copy before Christmas so I know if I need to make another bulk order before then. The print shops get busy this time of year. I am also be offering the book as a digital download for $10 for those of you who do not want a hard copy.
Our seeds are ready to package up for next year’s planting season and we’ve got some great new varieties to offer. Check out our website for a full listing with The order form and photos of most of the varieties are also posted for you to download. Please call me anytime if you have any questions.
A Bean & Grain Seed Kit is also available, and would make an excellent gift for your garden-loving friend or loved one. It includes the book and 10 seed packages (a good sampling of our most reliable varieties). A perfect way to get started growing a garden full of tasty, easy-to-store winter food. The Seed Kits will be $40 with hard-cover book and $30 with the digital version on CD-Rom.
2012 Will be an exciting year for several other reasons. For the first time I will be offering a storage foods CSA in cooperation with our friends at Dragon Tongue Farm. 20 shares will be available and will include dry legumes, grains, and other storage crops such as garlic, winter squash, potatoes, and onions. Please let me know if you might be interested and I will email or call you once we have the cost calculated.
I am also working with Fairhaven College to get a few interns for the season. The plan is for the interns to work a half day per week in the field alongside me plus spend time working independently on a project of their choosing (such as researching new varieties for us to trial, helping write the 5-year report, designing new threshers, marketing seed, etc).  I am excited to get a few committed folks so that I can pass on the skills of every step of the process from planting on through harvesting, threshing and storage. If you know anyone that might be interested, please pass the word.
If you are interested in learning more, three “Introduction to Growing Beans & Grains” workshops are scheduled for next winter/spring: Feb 7 at the monthly support meeting for Bellingham Gluten Intolerance Group (BGIG), March 7 (date to be confirmed) at the Bellingham Community Food Co-op, and April 21 at Cloud Mountain Farm.
Thank you so much for all your support!
Krista Rome

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Actually, my book will likely not be available at the seed swap. I have decided not to burden Celt with the responsibility and I also do not have time before I leave to get copies into her or anybody else's hands. I had hoped to make some fliers to put on a table but that may or may not happen, depending on my energy level and time availability. Thanks, Heather, for your optimism. If anyone wants a copy they can get ahold of me directly. Thanks!

Heather K said:

Krista's booklet will be available at our 4th annual Community Seed Day on January 29th, 2012- 

Our community is “Getting Seeds Into the Hands of the People!”


See Celt at swap, who is attending & teaching 'Basic Seed-Saving' to obtain a copy.

 “The Complete Guide to Saving Seeds” by Cheryl Moore-Gough & Robert Gough  - is one of the newer seed-saving how-to books.   I've requested Village Books to see if the author Cheryl is interested in being in town during Internation Seed Saving day.  There is a chance she may  also come to the seed-swap, and have some of her new books there.  


Community Seed Day – Jan 29th, 2012-     Our community is “Getting Seeds Into the Hands of the People!”

Krista, I look forward to seeing your booklet in the future!


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