Transition Whatcom

I’ve said this before:

I think one of the biggest challenges for Transition groups is to learn the skills of how to work effectively as a group in terms of having efficient meetings that are inclusive, enjoyable, and get a lot accomplished. Learning to work together effectively may be one of the most important things we do to prepare for peak oil, climate change, and economic instability.

I’ve also said:

…when we think of “Reskilling” in Transition, we tend to focus on the “practical” hands on skills, like how to grow a garden, or retrofit your home, or graft fruit trees.  How often do we think about the importance of learning skills like how to become more skillful in our communication, or how to keep a working group together, or learning tools for building consensus? I’ve often wished that we at Transition Whatcom would find more time to make this kind of skill building more of a priority.


and so…I’m now excited to announce that my friend and colleague Alan Seid, founder of Cascadia Workshops and the Blackbelt Communication Skills Coaching Program – has put out some excellent free training videos, and I am now an affiliate.

Alan Seid

I have attended Alan’s Empowered Communication workshops and found them to be powerful and extremely helpful and applicable in my everyday life, as well as in my volunteer work in groups, such as Sustainable Bellingham and Transition Whatcom. For a period of time my wife Angela and I helped Alan produce these local workshops because we were convinced this material needs to be more widely shared. Now I’m excited that this material has been refined and more widely and conveniently available online as the Blackbelt Communication Skills Coaching Program.

These videos were created for people who want to make a difference in the world, and who are committed working on themselves AND to improving their relationships through clear and powerful communication skills. (Alan also happens to be a Certified Trainer in Nonviolent CommunicationTM having studied directly with Dr. Marshall Rosenberg starting in 1995.)

These videos are for you if:

- you want the people in your life to appreciate you as a present & compassionate listener

- you want to learn a formula for speaking with clarity and power consistently

- you’re looking for a proven method for transforming and more fully enjoy ing all your personal and professional relationships

- you want to know exactly what to do about conflicts and lack of harmony since they get in the way of a team’s or an individual’s ability to have the positive impact they could be having

- interpersonal conflict is something you’ve shied away from but you yearn to be skilled and confident at handling it masterfully

- you want to show up in the world in a bigger way, all the while creating interpersonal connection and effectiveness

- you’ve seen how powerful and positive interpersonal relationships are the foundation for teams working well together and for individuals making a bigger difference, and you’re ready to take your knowledge and skills to the next level.

Again, this is a FREE video training series, and I think you will really enjoy Alan’s teaching style.

Check it out here: Free Videos from the Blackbelt Communication Skills Coaching Program

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