Time: October 21, 2019 from 2pm to 4pm
Location: Stillpoint at Beckside
Street: 1625 Huntley Road
City/Town: Bellingham
Phone: 360 733-3541
Event Type: facilitated, discussion
Organized By: David MacLeod and Linda Conroy
Latest Activity: Oct 19, 2019
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Facilitator: Joe Brewer
We will discuss how to better communicate about a problem that is 1) nonlinear, 2) systemic, 3) distant in time, 4) impersonal, and 5) requiring fundamental changes in how we organize our daily lives. Joe will also provide his review of an exciting new book, "Prosocial," which helps groups learn about and adopt design principles to improve practical outcomes from their endeavors.
Hosted by Stillpoint at Beckside Spirituality Center and the Multi-Faith Network Climate Justice Group
Date and Time: Monday, October 21, 2:00 - 4:00
Place: Stillpoint at Beckside, 1625 Huntley Road, Bellingham
RSVP: lnd.conroy@gmail.com
All Donations received will be given to Joe for his travel expenses.
Joe Brewer has dedicated more than a decade to understanding the psychological and cultural dimensions of our climate and ecological crisis, and has worked with "framing" expert George Lakoff, author of "Don't Think Like an Elephant". Joe is the Executive Director of the Center for Applied Cultural Evolution.
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