Time: July 19, 2010 from 6pm to 10pm
Location: Van Zandt Hall
City/Town: Van Zandt
Event Type: workshop
Organized By: Chris Boernke
Latest Activity: Jul 17, 2010
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Unwrapping Your Gifts In a Time of Crisis
Please let Chris Boernke (chris@bellysbotanicals.com) know if you want her to contact you when this is rescheduled. She would like a few volunteers to help put it on.
This fierce workshop with spiritual activist and award winning filmmaker Velcrow Ripper explores the power that is released when spirituality is combined with action. Gandhi called it "Soul Force," Thich Nhat Hahn calls it “Love in Action;” for Ripper it is "Fierce Light.” It is the power of the sacred warrior, heart centered and fierce at the same time. Featuring dynamic "engaged spirituality" practices and meditations, visualizations and exercises, the workshop will offer key tools to unleash your own "Fierce Light" and take action from a spiritual perspective.
Learn how to integrate the head and the heart, "doing" and "being," compassion and action, in order to be of the highest service both to yourself, and the world around you. Join thousands of spiritual warriors around the world, and become part of "The Great Turning," helping to make the shift from the industrial growth society, to the life sustaining civilization. A holistic journey of integration, from the personal, to the global, from the inner to the outer and back again. Discover your own Fierce Light, and let it loose on the world.
In this workshop you will:
~ expand your sense of self from the Ego Centric to the World Centric and Kosmocentric view.
~ learn to transform conflict through “love in action”.
~ explore the integration of mind, body, spirit and shadow.
~ transform your relationship to this era of crisis into a time of tremendous opportunity and soul growth, while avoiding overwhelm and burn out.
~ deepen your sense of interconnection with humanity and the planet.
~ develop a concrete action plan to manifest your own “Fierce Dream”
Velcrow Ripper is a lot like his movies -- friendly, hopeful, full of electrifying ideas.
He is an award-winning filmmaker with dozens of films and videos under his belt, including Scared Sacred, named one of Canada's Top 10 movies of 2004, and winner of the 2005 Genie (Canadian Academy Award) for best feature documentary.
Ripper's newest movie, Fierce Light: When Spirit Meets Action, has been wowing audiences around the world with its investigation of how we are connected to each other and to this planet. This award winning film's message of hope and change is delivered via magnificent visuals. -Liz Braun, Toronto Sun
Fueled by the belief that "another world is possible," Fierce Light is a compelling, global journey into the world of spirit in action, an exploration of what Martin Luther King called "Love in Action," and Gandhi called "Soul Force"; what Ripper is calling "Fierce Light."
View the trailer at www.fiercelight.org
Suggested Workshop Readings
World as Self, World as Lover, by Joanna Macy
Shambhala: The Sacred Path of the Warrior, by Chogyam Trungpa
The Great Turning, by David Korten
Transforming Power: From the Personal to the Political, by Judy Rebick
The Integral Vision, by Ken Wilber
Pronoia by Rob Brezny
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