(Let me know if I've missed something you'd like me to add in)
Washington Native Plant Society – Koma Kulshan
Meets most 3rd Weds & open to public. Offers hikes/walks/camping events. Link- http://www.wnps.org/chapter_info/chapter_programs.html#koma
Birchwood Garden Club
The friendly urban garden club, open to all. Meets once a month, but not all months (usually 1st Weds) http://www.birchwoodgardenclub.org/
( Attend as my guest or join the club! )
Everson Garden Club
Members meet 2nd Weds of most months 7pm and hold one of the best spring plant sales!
Link- http://www.whatcomcounts.org/whatcom/index.php?module=pnLocalResour...
Northwest Mushroomers Association
Join to receive emails of presentations, walks, survivors banquet- Meets most 2nd Thursday. Learn your mushrooms with an expert before using or collecting! See website for specific dates! http://www.northwestmushroomers.org/
North Cascades Audubon Club
Meets most 4th Tuesdays & offers birdwatching walks & camping events. Open to public.. Link- http://www.northcascadesaudubon.org/
Mt. Bakers Beekeepers Meeting
Most most second Weds of month-
Attend as my guest or join the club.
Master Gardener Foundation Club Meetings
Most 2nd Thursdays of the month. 6:30 non-formal social time, and 7:00pm with guest speakers.
The meetings are open to the public & free of charge. Bring a friend!
Location: WSU Whatcom County Extension Office, 1000 North
Forest Street, Bellingham. Please use the Laurel St. entrance.
Weeder's Digest- http://whatcom.wsu.edu/mastergardener/newsletter/WD_2011_04.pdf
Or- http://whatcom.wsu.edu/mastergardener/
D.U.P.I. Garden Club Meeting
Meets most 3rd Tues of the month 12:00-2:30pm. BYO Lunch.
Cordata Community Coop.
Check Herald paper for current details.
Mt. Baker Garden Club - Meets in county at Rome Grange: 2821 Mt. Baker Hwy past Y Rd. First Thurs of each month except Jan & July. * Annual plant sale 1st Sat of May. Annual picnic in July http://chuckanutwa.org/yahoo_site_admin/assets/docs/General_Info_as... & http://www.chuckanutwa.org/district_clubs
Dahlia Club- Meets most 1st Mondays 7pm at Laurel Grange and offers annual spring tuber sale (usually 1st Sat in April ) and annual flowering dahlia judged show. We have some of the top dahlia hybridizers in our area! Dahlias are from Mexico & tubers used to be eaten...I've not yet found a tasty one...but plenty of beauty & pollen for the bees!
* * * * * * * *
Whatcom County Local Grange Halls-Contacts-Links
(scroll down on link & click on Whatcom)-
Learn where your closest grange is at and connect in.
Rome #226
2821 Mt. Baker Hwy, Bellingham
Meets 2nd & 4th Wednesdays at 7:00pm
Rental contact: Judy - (360)671-9217. judyvanb25 -at- gmail.com
Ten Mile #399
6958 Hannegan Rd., Lynden
Meets 2nd Thursdays at 7:30pm
Rental contact: Lew - (360)733-4487
olgaskill -at- comcast.net
Laurel #208
6172 Guide Meridian, Lynden
Meets 2nd Saturdays at 1:00pm
Rental contact-Jill - (360)398-7455
E-mail jmhorgen -at-aol.com
Haynie #169
3344 Haynie Rd., Custer
Meets 2nd & 4th Fridays at 7:30pm
Rental contact: Cindy - (360)366-5623
leximama99 -at- hotmail.com
North Bellingham #201
Corner of Northwest Rd & Smith Rd
Meets 1st Thursdays at 1:00pm
Rental contact: Mike - (360)752-2453
polspindoctor - at- yahoo.com
Hopewell #518
3441 Hopewell Rd. Everson
Meets 1st Thursdays at 7:00pm
Rental contact: Gary - (360)671-3689
Lummi Island #925
2215 N. Nugent Rd., Lummi Island
Meets 1st Wednesdays at 6:30pm
Rental contact: Leslie - (206)818-9500
leslie -at- limpidarts.com
Rome Grange Garden Club- “Come and learn more about our garden club and consider joining us for monthly gardening programs. The club always meets at 7:00 pm the first Thursday of each month at the Rome Grange 2821 Mt Baker Highway, Bellingham, WA 98226 “
also Everson Garden Club (info & link above)
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