Transition Whatcom

Egypt is free! What a historical day! Throughout the day, send your positive thoughts over there for a peaceful and smooth transition. 


And things are going well at WWU's AS Environmental Center too. We've had tons of great events lately. We all got together at the end of last quarter and talked about what our main goal for the year was going to be. Our finished product came out to be raising awareness for our office and letting people know who we are and what we do. We really want the EC to be a hub where everyone can feel comfortable coming in and finding new ways to get involved and hearing about what's going on on and off campus in the way of sustainability.


In that vein, I am working on the preliminary plans for an event geared towards the freshmen in the dorms. If we want to get our office out onto campus, we need to talk to those who are going to be here the longest, aka the freshmen. I'm working with the ecoReps, student reps in the dorms, to create a week-long scavenger hunt around campus that focuses on the environmental resources on campus. It's sure to be a fun event!


Some great news! We've hired a Green Energy Fee Advisor, Kathryn Freeman, who will help and walk students through the process of creating proposals that will then be submitted to the Green Fee Committee for approval. This is a super exciting thing because we're moving forward on this awesome project that the students voted for. There are already several large proposals in the works, each one as exciting as the other. One of the projects I'm particularly stoked for is changing all the lights in the parking lot behind Arntzen to LED lights. LED is a much more efficient way to give off light and don't waste as much energy in heat. So great! 


More coming later about all our awesome plans and goings-on!  


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