Transition Whatcom

Here is some information about LETS (local exchange trading)

To me, it seems as though I have enough information that I am willing to utilize the fourth corner exchange and establish a local trading and barter system for Ferndale, but it would only be able to happen if the rest of you would partake.

Do we go this route so that we have a larger community and do not have to spend time with the administration of it? There can be funding available to help pay fees for needy people in Ferndale who cannot pay the fees.

I have so much stuff I would like to get out there for people to use. You would not believe he stuff I amassed for my school/lending library idea, I can probably supply a large group of people with the tools to take care of themselves.

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I'd like to get our own TF informal system up and running first, before tackling something larger. Along those lines, I'm encouraging us all to get our skill/knowledge/tool list to David, who has so generously volunteered to compile our first incarnation - data base, and hard copy.
James, Last Thanksgiving local CSA farmer Walter Haugen introduced an alt currency called the Steiner. Here's a link to a description- keep scrolling down to his response.

I haven't talked to Walter recently so I don't know if it is being pursued.
What format would you like the list of items/services in? Would an excel spreadsheet work out fine? How do you determine the value of the items for trade and the services?



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