Transition Whatcom

Here is the pdf I mentioned showing bike routes, sidewalks, and other major infrastructure in Bham. It is the Greenstreets map. Here is how you can turn layers on and off in order to more easily see details.
When you open the pdf, you will notice on the left hand side of the document, there are several of which is called "Layers" (the double diamond icon). If you click on this
tab, a list of all the layers in the map will appear. You can "turn on" and "turn off" layers in the map by simply clicking on the eye next to the layer name. This way you can turn off the trails and bike lanes or vice versa...or whatever combination you would like to view.

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Replies to This Discussion

Here are the bike and ped counts with data collected from 2008 and 2009. The site with the most bike activity was Holly and Railroad, not Railroad and York, as I mentioned.
Here is a link talking about the most bikable ciites in the US including the percentages of people that use the systems. Looks like you'll have to copy and paste into a new browser window.

This is the link to the Seatlle Bike Master Plan. Hope you have time to look at it.
Strange, because the link to the Seattle Bike Master Plan is not showing up in your post (at least for me). However, when I clicked to reply to your post, I found the URL within the quote.


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