Transition Whatcom

Hi Gardeners,
We have a lot of tomato and pepper starts to get you going this Spring if you are interested. Very healthy starts grown at Inspiration Farm using biodynamic methods and compost.
We are asking $2 each with the proceeds going to support programs here at the farm. We have other starts as well. Here is a list of the tomato and peppers we have. We would consider trades for other starts that we may not have.
First com first pick Give us a call at 398-7061

Red Cheese
Black Beauty
Napolian Sweet
Nordello Sweet
Chinese Giant Sweet
Purple Beauty
Red Anahiem
Golden Califorina Wonder

Black Hungarian
Early Jalapeno

Long purple
Black Beauty

Super Lakota
Chocolate Cherry
Striped Roman
Principe Borghese
Super Marzano
Juan Flamme
Red Fig
Saucey Paste

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Replies to This Discussion

Biodynamic methods & compost sounds great.  I'm betting the seeds are also all open-pollinated and thus their seeds will breed true! 

Hi Brian, I'll give a call as the weather warms up for some cherry tomatoes & peppers.  I"m due for a working visit...and my garden is longing for some 501 prep!

Hi Heather, you are correct on the open pollinated seeds. They are seed varieties that I gathered from local sources and from plants that I have grown here for the last several years. Very healthy plants are ready to go in the ground now but there will be an optimal fruit period on the 20th and 21st of May.


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