Transition Whatcom

Below is a list of starts* we have available at Barking Fig Urban Farm:

10% of our profits to be donated to Transtion Whatcom

All starts are in four (4) inch pots, and are $3 or 4/$10, except where otherwise noted.
We offer a happy discount on purchases if you bring us clean pots (4 inch, square - they might actually be 3.5 inch), or bring back the ones we sold you at a return visit.

Products currently available for purchase or reservation: 


Organic Tomatillo Mexican Strain 65 days

Organic Long Purple Eggplant 65 days

Organic Heirloom Tomato Varieties:
Beefsteak 65-115 days
Martino's Roma 75 days
Indigo Rose 80 days
Cherokee Purple 85 days
Mandarin Cross 75-80 days
Heirloom Rainbow (unknown)

Organic Sweet (S) and Hot (H) Pepper Varieties:
Golden Marconi (S) 90 days
Cal Wonder 300 (S) 75 days 
Poblano (H*) 80 days 
Black Hungarian (H*) 70 days
Early Jalapeno (H**) 60 days
Cayenne (H***) 65 days
Serrano (H***) 75 days

Organic Brassica Varieties:
Red Russian Kale 50-60 days
Lacinato (Black/Dinosaur) Kale 60 days 
Col Silvestre Collard Greens 
Broccoli 35 35 days
Broccoli 70 70 days
Red Cabbage
Other Organically Grown Starts
Lemongrass (5" or gallon pot) $4/$5 (Lemongrass needs full Sun, and needs to overwinter inside.)
Ginger (contact for details)
Fig Trees (Desert King) = $20/yr (1 & 2 yr trees available)
Edible Perennials:
Yellow Daylily (edible!)

Solomon's Seal $4 gallon pot or 4/$15

Garlic Chives $2

Spearmint $2

Chocolate Peppermint $2


*Tomatoes, peppers, and eggplant need to be protected until at least the frost date

Barking Fig Urban Farm

Your Urban Farm Resource


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Happy Mother's Day!

We are open Noon - 5pm today.

Moms get a free yellow, edible daylily.

Eight plants, ten bucks.


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