Transition Whatcom

We're downsizing to better explore life and farming adventures! We'd like to invite you over to Inspiration Farm to share in what we can no longer take with us on the road. We have a few great pieces of furniture to offer. Pictures are attached, and there is much more than what's shown - lamps, books, CDs, rugs and kitchen items.
. It would be a real favor for us to have friends buy, temporarily keep, or otherwise use these items while we hit the road. If you see anything in the pictures that you know you want, please give a call this week - 398-9750.
Mark and Juliet's Household Sale
Saturday, June 25th, 12:00 - 5:00 or by appointment
619 E. Laurel Rd.
6 miles north of Bellingham between Hannegan and the Guide - look for the wing flag and farmstand sign.

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Replies to This Discussion

Hi Juliet,


What kind of kitchen stuff are you selling?  I am looking for a decent deal on a pressure canner.  I also like old hand operated kitchen implements and can always use more canning jars.  Let me know if you have any of these for sale.  Also, I won't be here this weekend, I leave for Michigan tomorrow after work, need to be in Seattle by 10 pm.  Any chance I can stop out either this evening or tomorrow, right after work?  Would be about 5:30 - 6 pm tomorrow, this evening would have to be after 8 pm.




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