Transition Whatcom

Please ask any questions about clarity in the notes - this was a fast-paced discussion, and the notes are idea-bubbles from the conversation, rather than a full-depth reflection of what was said.
I invite attendants and the ning community to fill in these thought forms to meet a greater state of harmony.

Chris Wolf
Deanna Lloyd
Renata Kowalczyk
Rhys Faler
Bruce Horowitz
Jamie Jedinak
Aron Standley

Check in
Mission & Vision
Community Festival

June 27th - Raw food potluck @ Boulevard Park, 3pm
July 3rd - Reduce Carbon Footprint Commitment, 12pm
with Chris Wolf and Juliet Thompson; calculate your carbon emissions and problem solve the challenges of going carbon-zero
July 4th - Oasis Potluck Brunch @ Oasis Intentional Community, 11 am

The Oasis is opening two rooms for rent this fall.
(Message Rhys Faler on the ning for more info)
Inspiration Farm is opening up a 2 bedroom cabin for new tenant(s)

Co-working community meetings began today (6/24/10) @ Bloom,
the group is interested in expanding to new spaces, via potlucks and meetups

Mission & Vision

Renata read Laura's suggestion for a mission statement

"How can this group serve the existing neighborhoods - some of whom aren't ready for intentional community living?"


kibbutz in Seattle retrofitting a neighborhood

keywords and differentiations of intentional communities:
intentional / egalitarian
what are the levels of intentionality?

2 problems to intentional communities:
  1. barrier of entry (new people wanting in)
  2. transitioning from 'normal' living to living communally
Clarifying needs of people who the community living (TW) group would serve
skillsets of communities and community living
NVC, sociocracy,...

Feeling of urgency around 'what if': no water, no power

Work projects:
Asset Mapping
Legal & Zoning

creating tasks and projects that are small enough to be actionable, and clear enough to invoke larger passions
Interest in focalizing the group on one major project
generate momentum

Asset mapping:
what are the local assets? regional assets?

Asset mapping as the primary work project for the group

workshops & classes - Bruce, Renata
intentional communities - Chris, Jamie, Rhys

Website workspace for asset mapping
google docs and maps for community assets ?

Meeting for asset mapping work group (within/as coworking group meeting), 11a Monday @ Lettered St Coffee Shop, F St & Dupont St

Creating a list of resources that would be valuable to intentional communities:
-organizations, books, videos,...

Hosting space at the Old Foundry for Transition Whatcom's workgroups and meeting spaces

Community Festival being planned for Autumnal equinox
share knowledge & skills, trade & barter
Saturday August 7th
"Fellowship Festival"
Any spaces with a theater?
100-200 participant range
Will be posted on TW's website
Cooperative games
(Rhys focalizing)

Next community living meeting: community potluck, @ Cornwall Park
bring food, dishes, utensils, and drinks

Commitments For Next Meeting

Rhys: Contact site admin re google apps (calendar, docs, maps) for
create and research list of intentional community houses
Bruce: calendar updating
create a ning discussion around posting and calendars
Renata: post event for next Community Living meeting (community potluck)


Views: 14

Replies to This Discussion

Great Job Aron, quick change....
I think it was Heather K who wrote up the Mission statement that we played with....Jamie :)
Great job. Thank you Aaron! I will post the revised mission statement for further group discussion.
Those who are interested and are available, the coworking community is getting together to work alongside one another this Monday, 6/28 at 11AM at the Lettered Streets Coffee House. Bring your "office" with you....


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