Transition Whatcom

"Sustainable Energy using Renewable Resources for Heating, Transportation, Water, Powering Tools & Recycling" - draft

An open discussion to explore the questions:

"What are our ideas & experiences on energy applications, and for transitioning our walk on the earth to use more sustainable & renewable energy sources?"

"What is the most earth-friendly way to define sustainable energy & resources, and which energy sources are truely renewable within seven generations?"

"What sources of energy can be considered both renewable &sustainable, and are also healthy for the workers for the earth, within our bioregion?

"Why are our Methods of Obtaining & Applying & Recycling renewable energy resources key in creating sustainable long term healthy bioregions & long term stable human, how is the method of use just as important as what form of energy is used?"

"What are our current passions in using our personal energy cooperatively in our communities in ways that enhance biodiversity and compassion?"

"What are our priorities as families & community when considering what we need for our daily energy useages of heat, cooking fuels, water distribution, transportation, tools, & Recycling What We No Longer Use?"
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A few renewable energy related examples could include:

Sun- passive solar designs, Wood-Plants-Algea-Seaweed-Biodisesel, Wind & sails, Tidel & Wave, Falling water, Falling rain, Geothermal, Human Power (both hand-tools & bicycle-powered or pully tools), Animal power, Chemical-Microbial & Compost Heat, Brain power with efficiency designs, and Sharing our Time & Resources.

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(Some of our earlier discussions might be found on the "Alternative Energy" group.)

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Classes for Renewable Energy in 2010 filling up quickly!
Spring class series with widely known instructor Ian Woofenden scheduled on Guemes Island.

Information below thanks to post by Shannon Maris. More dates & details crossposted at her discussion at
or try-

Spring Series
March 27: RE100; Introduction to Renewable Energy with Ian Woofenden; new low price $75!

March 29 - April 3: PV101; Solar Electric Fundamentals and Grid-Direct Design with TBA & Ian Woofenden $1195

April 5 - 9: ST101; Solar Hot Water with Chuck Marken & Ian Woofenden $950

April 10 - 12: ST201; Solar & Radiant Heating with Peter Biodo $750

April 13 - 17: MH101; Micro-Hydro Power with Ken Gardner & Ian Woofenden $950

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