Time: July 22, 2023 from 10am to 2pm
Location: Inspiration Farm
Street: 617 E Laurel Rd
City/Town: Bellingham
Website or Map: https://www.whatcompermacultu…
Event Type: education
Organized By: Hunter Lydon
Latest Activity: Jun 3, 2023
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What are Bio-Active Compost Teas & Extracts? They are biological liquids that come from compost that has been quality tested with a Microscope? Microscopes have become more accessible/affordable & with some practice are actually quite easy to use. One can even attach a phone/camera to a microscope to document/share what they see. This class with Hunter Wolf will be hands-on so you can see if microscopy is a right fit for your situation.
Starting with an explanation of the soil food web and its members. Shifting to how worms improve soil, worm & hot compost comparison and how to set up different worm composting systems and consideration. Next would be tea/extract methods & equipment. Microscopy would conclude the workshop where I would show the class how to set up a sample, which would be projected for all to see. I would then give folks an opportunity the set up the scope themselves. Folks are welcome to bring their own sample that could be assessed if there is time.
Students leave the class with the knowledge of what goes on in the soil food web, how to start and maintain a worm bin, how to make teas/extracts & how to set up a microscope to observe soil biology. This class is suited for beginners & there are no physical requirements. The class will run for roughly 3 hrs but I’m happy to exceed that time.
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