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Facing Life's Challenges within the Sustainability Movement

Event Details

Facing Life's Challenges within the Sustainability Movement

Time: November 9, 2010 from 2pm to 4pm
Location: Viking Union (Western) Room 567
City/Town: Bellingham
Website or Map:…
Phone: (360) 927-2147
Event Type: panel, discussion
Organized By: Sara Digby
Latest Activity: Nov 11, 2010

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Event Description

As a part of the curriculum for the course on Applied Human Ecology at Fairhaven College the student facilitators have organized two panel discussions that visitors from the community are encouraged to attend. The first explored the idea of initiating community action, and this next one will be on challenges we face on our path to a more sustainable future. The format for the discussions is based on a structure used at Oxford an...d Cambridge that allows for panelists first to on their work and their experience related to the theme, then to engage in a glass-housed discussion, and to take part in a unique extended question and answer period. Our vision is to invite panelists who have varied vocations and areas of expertise and who share common hopes and aims with those involved in the class, and to combine them with the Applied Human Ecologists alike in the class and in the community. By bringing all of these active minds together we will look deeply at challenges and how they can be overcome, and glimpse some of the many different roles and vocations that are important within a larger sustainability “movement.”

Facing Life’s challenges within the Sustainability Movement

Guest Panelists: Francis Ayley– Founder of Fourth Corner Exchange, Cindi Landreth - TWIG for Transition Whatcom and partner in the company Adaptations, Fred Bernal - Small Farm Program Coordinator at the WA state Agriculture Department

November 9th, 2010

2:00 pm – 3:50 pm

Viking Union Room 567

The last panel discussion focused on the ways in which we can initiate action within our community. Many people do not have the time, will, knowledge or opportunity to research and analyze how we as a whole can become a more resilient species that not only takes but gives back to humanity and our world. It is important to have those who are excited and willing to bring forth a spark in the sustainable movement to motivate and inspire others to join. Nevertheless, being such a person can be difficult, as life’s distractions can stray us from our intended path. We all have experiences that test our character when journeying into any abyss of uncertainty and moving towards an unfamiliar place can be daunting. Some of us hold a fear of failure, or apathy. Some are overwhelmed at the complexities of life, which twist and mingle making it difficult to find direction. Some of us feel that we just don’t have enough time, or that the friction of outside forces is too strong. Each one of us reacts differently to the challenges life presents to us. The hope we hold with the second panel discussion is ease apprehension by hearing others’ stories of how they have dealt with challenges in their life specific to the sustainability movement involving community, personal work, and the ways in which you have dealt with the rigidity of laws and governance, or skepticism from the outside public. We encourage speakers to approach this in any way they see fit; talking about his or her triumphs and failures,comically or seriously, being reflective and above all open. The space is intended to build stronger communities within ourselves and to show others that we can support one another in times of discomfort as we are not alone in this journey but together moving in the same direction, each in our own personal creative way.

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Comment by Heather K on November 11, 2010 at 1:12am
Ah sorry I missed the panel! Hope someone will post a video or youtube as it becomes available!

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