Time: May 14, 2011 from 10am to 4pm
Location: Just north of the Hub and S. of Plantas Nativas
City/Town: Bellingham
Event Type: workparty
Organized By: Nick Spring and Juliet Thompson
Latest Activity: May 14, 2011
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This project is one of the 350 Home and Garden Challenge funded proposals.
Help install a beautiful space near downtown. The space will provide storm runoff filtration, community garden space, and relaxing space. Eventually there will be demonstration areas for rainwater filtration and stormwater catchment using native plants and perennials. Art, food-bearing perennials, and utility space will frame this new place as another downtown destination along the Interurban Trail. Be a part of creating it.
Great project!! Wow- what a lot of fantastic volunteers...I can't wait to ride my bike by this new Bellingham Urban Garden!
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