Transition Whatcom

Nancy Chase
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Nancy Chase's Friends

  • Bruce Hostetter
  • Paul Kuepfer
  • Kelda Miller
  • Elizabeth W
  • Emily Farrell
  • David Zhang
  • Shannon Maris
  • David MacLeod

Nancy Chase's Discussions

2nd year CSA startup in Camano, working on Transition here, seeking advice for duplication from Whatcom Friends as a member of your Transition

Started Jan 4, 2012 0 Replies

Greetings all you well established and successfull CSA hosts to the North!  We are Shambala Farm on the North End of Camano and are seeking mentors in designing our CSA program.  We are big advocates…Continue


Nancy Chase's Page

Profile Information

How are you currently involved in the Transition?
We have initiated a Transition Study group, reading the Handbook and meeting monthly. I have been hosting potlucks for Transition-esque conversations Stanwood Camano (Port Susan area) over past 2 years at my farm, and am active in our SIPN Sno-Isle Permaculture Network which also meets monthly for 'barn raising' activity and resource sharing from Snoho-Bow is our desire. I had a Farmers Market on Camano in 2009 and learned it takes a village, we now have a grant and will have a Stanwood Farmers Market and I am on the steering committe. We presently own and are designing Shambala Farm and Perennial Nursery which is a 10 acre farm being converted to sustainability, and edible food forests, and our newly opened perennial vegetable and edibles nursery to help teach and empower folks to feed themselves. We had 7 interns helping from all over the country, this summer, and offered organic CSA boxes for sale. I also am a tour operator and want to design PNW Farm to Farm tours for education and fiscal sustainability for ourselves and farmers by illuminating projects to the public, and creating involvement, engagement and revenue to help farms (like ourselves) to cover their mortgages. We have niche international Farm to Fish tours which I can share about as well.
In what ways do you identify with the Transition movement? Why are you interested?
Because I want integrated community and resource sharing. We all have excesses and needs, and it is my passion to understand how we can all integrate and cooperate in optimizing simplistically skill sharing, food/gleaning, and resources/businesses.
Do you have particular interests, skills, talents or resources you would like to bring to Transition Whatcom?
I would like to alliance and align with Transition Whatcom, to empower Transition Port Susan and ideally we will have resources and ideas that will benefit you as well, our neighbor to the North! I am presently aligned with many permacultural projects and folks Bellingham and beyond, up/down the I5 corridor.
In what neighborhood or part of the county do you reside?
North end Camano Is.
Your Personal Website (if you have one)
Where did you hear about Transition Whatcom and how did you find our community network website?
Met with some of your folks at a localized regional discussion at the Permaculture Convergence 2010, and website online.
Please note that you do not have to answer all of the above questions in order to join, and you can always come back later to edit your profile. If it's all too many questions for now, please provide a short answer below on why you'd like to join this site (or a summary of the above, if answered).
Because I want integrated community and resource sharing.

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At 9:32am on January 28, 2014, Elizabeth W said…

hey lady, yes, let's talk! I have greenhouses and clearing space for my first edible garden. taking the farm business planning course now and an online herbalist class. Lots going on and I think your opportunity sounds perfect to put in the mix.

Do you want to come by my place sometime soon to talk? I see you are teaching at Skagit College (right?) - I'm on your way home...take care, talk soon.

At 11:56pm on January 27, 2014, Bruce Hostetter said…

HI Nancy, I am moving to Bellingham first of Feb. doing well, refocusing on watershed ecology and habitat, still doing rainwater harvesting.



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