Transition Whatcom

Hello Transition Whatcom,

We are the newly formed Transition Whatcom Organizing Group (TWOG). To be working on your behalf is an exciting honor. Our process began with a few small steps, a potluck, some brainstorming and a great weekend workshop. We are currently working on clarifying our role as a working group as well as lining up some big pieces that we see as integral parts of our mission and vision.

As we continue to collaborate, we anticipate some great opportunities to bring the values of the Transition Movement into the fabric of the Whatcom community. To do our best we will need lots of support from the growing transition network and now is a great time for that to start. Give us your input. What role does the TWOG have in Whatcom County? How can we help your transition efforts? Share your thoughts and ideas while we all work together on bringing about a healthy local future.

We look forward to seeing ALL of You at the Harvest Fest on October 2nd. Polecat and Umami will provide the entertainment in Cornwall Park from 4-9pm. Bring your own picnic, food, games etc and let's celebrate our local abundance.

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Heather said:

Now's the time to make hearty soups, to order from seed catalogs, and to organize seeds for the upcoming Jan 30th Seed-Swap - And to help each other find land ready for new food & edible forest gardens to grow from our lawns & pastures....Folks are sharing with me they are needing for community garden space.



Have you considered starting your own blog? I think you'd make a great blogger.

Love, Juliet


Twog folk- thank you for asking for input.

All- About 14 folks responded to Twog's other Blog request for feedback.

Twog is working on a plan and have received plenty of feedback.


 The 'Proposed annual web & group renovation' Blog dialogue from Twog is located at:

  (“Blog from Twog 12-26-10”)


May the above blog link assist those who were looking for it.


Angela MacLeod said:  (Nov 11,2010)

"Dear TWOG,     I'm finding it really confusing the way the groups and discussions on this ning site are organized. There are so many groups/discussions/comment walls etc, that to me seem kind of related that I don't know which one to plug in to. I've also participated a little on discussions, then later can't find where I was because there are similar discussions or topics under different headings.

I appreciate the "organic" nature of "letting it go where it will" in Transition work but in this case it is too confusing. ......... I wonder if it is appropriate to consolidate or revamp some of the groupings here......
Thanks for listening."

 Hi All- My attention is being focused on another project at this time (Non -TW).

Good to read everyones ideas.


I'm happy to be of assistance in the future – though Not able to respond to requests for awhile.

I'm looking forward to our spring community work-parties & transition cafe gatherings.


Twog- Thanks for the time you give our community.   Your personal twog-blog posts are a delight to read!


New article in Grow Northwest magazine “Swapping Seeds & Sharing Stories” .




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