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Seed-Savers: Preserving Our Ecological Heritage (Network)


Seed-Savers: Preserving Our Ecological Heritage (Network)

Cascadia's 'Salish Sea Seed-Savers'- Sharing & Saving Our Seeds, Educating Ourselves on the importance of regional seed-saving, Resisting corporate/laboratory bred GMO seeds, & Promoting Events for community food-security.

Location: Cascadia - Bellingham & Beyond
Members: 57
Latest Activity: Jan 4, 2024

Welcome new seed savers! Please listen in & enjoy reading our current discussions & comments. For viewing all the Discussion click the "View All" button below.

 Welcome new members: We are not a 'chat' group, so you won't received many emails from us.  We are growers & seed-savers who network together on resources, educational events, and to promote opportunities for sharing & saving seeds. 

  For  offerings or requests for specific seeds, or to initiate a topic conversation, please use our groups 'Start Discussion' option below.

Most of our members are also part of the larger 'Earth Garden' network at:

  (Group admins currently are Heather K & David P. and more are welcome).

  Events we wish to promote can be done through the main TW "Events" tab:  and through the Sustainable Bellingham calendar:  .

We now have a group page on faceboo -"Salish Seed Co-op".


Comment Wall


You need to be a member of Seed-Savers: Preserving Our Ecological Heritage (Network) to add comments!

Comment by Susan Templeton on November 25, 2009 at 10:11pm
Shannon, I like this idea. I've got BAGS of pink poppy seeds..want some?
Comment by Shannon Maris on October 20, 2009 at 9:48am
It seems like a perfect match to have a barter fair around Christmas... to be able to trade local items instead of buy stuff sounds way more fun.

Also one at Summer's end when the extra veggies are at their peak and the weather is still nice.

Maybe some day each neighborhood will hold a barter fair on different weekend days so other neighborhoods can attend.

I know folks who go to the islands and E. Wash. every year to attend barter fairs - why not get a great ones going right here in Bham?
Imagine Lynden Fair Grounds as a huge Barter Fair, or Riverside Park in Skagit...

This barter idea has lots of possibility for fun, creativity, and in sharing the abundance,
Comment by Brian Kerkvliet on October 20, 2009 at 9:02am
We had such a blast of good information and exchange of genetic diversity here at inspiration Farm Seed Exchange and barter event. Lets do it again! It was well attended and well stocked selection of goodies to trade. Seeds up the wazoo, several types of garlic, wine, soap, sushi, vegies and more. I can't wait until the next one!
Comment by Shannon Maris on October 19, 2009 at 10:44am
Laura Plaut sent a message to the members of Whatcom County School Garden Collective

Subject: School Garden Collective Launch Party Today, Come Join Us!

Hello, I hope you'll join us to celebrate the launch of the Whatcom County School Garden Collective this afternoon at 5:00 p.m. at Columbia Elementary, 2508 Utter Street in Bellingham.

Come learn more about the goals and working of the newly launched School Garden Collective (including how to have your school become a memeber!) and hear more about the garden work currently underway at our partner schools: Columbia, Birchwood, Beach, and Roosevelt Elementary Schools; Squalicum High School, and the Lummi Nation School.

See you this afternoon!
Comment by Brian Kerkvliet on October 1, 2009 at 10:27am
Hi All there was talk of doing a seed swap and mini autumn harvest barter fair here at Inspiration Farm A date has yet to be picked but we had talked about a Saturday in Oct. maybe the 17th. Is there energy for this? Anyone want to help organize it?
Spruce has some energy to do this and I would be willing to host it in my Studio building.
Does anyone have a good source for small envelopes to portion out seeds into? All the seeds I harvested are still in bulk quantities and/or needing to get processed and packaged.
This is a great community thing to do, lets keep the ball rolling.
Comment by Heather K on September 28, 2009 at 6:49pm
Hey Chris! Let us seed-saving geeks know how the autumn seed-swap went along what was shared by Dan & others! Sorry I was unable to attend on that wonderfully warm & sunny fall day!
I am envisioning co-creating our next winter January swap:
"Seeds - Into the Hands of the People". I'm hoping there was a list passed around for folks interested in helping out with creating our next swap and getting some speakers....All my seeds are still in loose bags & in their pods...I'm letting them dry & harden up before I package & label them...And next time the sun comes out I'll go out looking for more dried seeds to harvest. I do hope to attend the Harvest Feast this Sunday & will try to remember to bring some Fava beans in case others want a few to plant this fall.
Comment by David Pike on September 8, 2009 at 6:45pm
thanks for the info Walter, I'll try to be patient, but I am worried about them molding in too much rain. I got all my favas in and shelled (couple raised beds worth) I have 2 varieties "negreta" and "long pod major". My questions - do you eat these things? are they any good? I've heard you have to soak them, and then pull the husks off, and then cook them? is this the case...?
Comment by David Pike on September 7, 2009 at 6:18pm
Well my shelling beans are NOT mature enough to pull off the vines yet so I am leaving them through the first of these rains, hope they don't mold! Wow they look good, they just need to finish up and start rattling before the weather gets too wet. info anyone?
Comment by Chris Elder on August 22, 2009 at 1:35pm
I just corresponded with Dan Borman, he has offered to talk about his experiences with selection, especially with grains, and seed saving, and he suggested a hands-on seed saving workshop afterwards. I'll try and figure out a date with him and see if this works. Thanks
Comment by Heather K on August 17, 2009 at 11:35pm
Great link Paul, with videos from the Salt Spring Seed folks up north.

My favorite quote is the one that answers the beginners questions:
"What you basically do when you save seeds is this:
you go to the seeds when they are ready and get them;
you make sure they're really dry, and then you store
them. It's as simple as that, but..." - Dan Jason

"but we thought we'd present some video to
embellish, colour and inspire the story. These videos
should give you a good general sense of seed saving
technique. We hope they will inspire and facilitate
your seed saving adventures and turn you on to the
simplicity, delight and power of this wonderful art."
With joy, Raven, Dan, Meghan and Ken

Members (53)


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